Agricultural Park in Oita (1995-2001)
location: Yamaga, Hayami-gun, Oita Prefecture
/ Ajimu, Usa-gun, Oita Prefecture
principal use: meeting room, study room,
shop, restaurant, exhibition space
site area: 800,000m2
building area: 7,352m2
total floor area: 7,911m2
first floor area: 6,060m2
second floor area: 1,851m2
structure: reinforced concrete and steel frame;
2 stories
maximum height: 15,815mm
architects: Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects
structural engineers: K. Nakata & Associates,
Ren Structure Engineer
mechanical engineers: Kawaguchi Engineering
Consultant, Yamazaki Engineers
general contractors: JV of Umebayashi
Corporation and Motoyoshi Corporation,
Wada-gumi, JV of Morisaki Corporation
and Okuda-gumi
completion date: March, 2000

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